Top 10 – hated opponents

Top Ten Hated Opponents
1Dema KovolenkoOne broken leg.
2Luis HernandezDid you seen him kick that guy in the Head in the US Open Cup?
3Richie WilliamsHard tackler, drives Burn crazy.
4Carlos ValdaramaThis guy kills the Burn every time.
5John DoyleStrong,  physical, rough, dirty…
6Mo JohnstonAll around annoying.
7PrekiScores fantastic goals, or used to.
8Paul CaligiuriOnly scores against the Burn.
9Mamado DialloDid you see what he did to Amman?
10Peter VermesJust down right frustrating.

Fan Suggestions:

Clint MathisThis one’s for you Dustin.  
Anyone that scores 5 goals in one game must be hated.  Right?

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