Top 10 – Burning questions, part 2

2023 comment: These aren’t questions. Not sure what the point is.

Top Ten Burning Questions?
1Convince the referee that 80 minutes is enough.
2Considering they lead the league in shots, try to get partial credit.
3Take a corner kick that lands anywhere in the box, and produces a shot on goal.
4Play with three true defensive midfielders. It worked for the forwards.
5Go back to the ’99 uniforms for the Chicago games.
6Tell Jason Kreis it’s OK not to pass sometimes.
7Tell the entire midfield that counterattacks work both ways.
8Bring former All-Star Mark Dodd back to sit on the bench, so Jordan will worry about keeping his job.
9Learn to curse in Bulgarian to prepare for Hristo Stoitchkov.
10Remind the Wizards, win or lose, they still have to live in Kansas City when the season is over.

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