Top 10 – Burning Questions

Top Ten Burning Questions?
1Blue SkyCan this be the worst practice field in MLS?  If it isn’t, this league is in big trouble.
2Chad DeeringWhy is Jim Rooney, who has half the talent, twice the player Deering is?
3SingingsCan the Burn sign players on their own?  What happens when they have an International Slot open but only Discovery Options with which to acquire players?  How can you build a team that way?
4DraftWhat is the major concern for next years draft?  Defense?  Right Mid?
5Playoffs/AllocationDo you want the #8 seed or the Allocation that comes with missing the playoffs?
6GrazianiWhat happened to the 2000 Graziani who could win a game by himself?
7JeffriesHe seems to know talent (draft of Vaca, Suarez, and Johnson). But is he a team builder?  A motivator?  A game coach? The Jury is still out…
8ZarcoIs he getting a Green Card or not?
9Formation3-5-2 or flat back 4?  It needs to be decided on now for next season.
10Owner/StadiumWho knows, Probably Garber and no one else.

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