In Part Two, I’m will now run through some FC Dallas Academy players that we have either already seen or that I would like to see with Los Toritos.
Tag: Andre Saucedo
Potential winter ’24-’25 FC Dallas Academy signings watch list
It’s time once again for my biannual check-in with FC Dallas’ potential Academy signings.
Tuesday at the Dallas Cup, double FCD watching
My plans to take in two games yesterday got drenched out by the rain, but I still managed to catch two games on Tuesday.
FCD’s Andre Saucedo called into Mexico U17s
3rd Degree has learned that FC Dallas U16 playmaker Andre Saucedo has been called into Mexico U17 camp.
FCD’s Andre Saucedo called for Mexico U16 Spain tour
The Mexico U16s are heading to Spain for a tour under the direction of José Antonio Castro and FC Dallas U16 playmaker
FCD’s Andre Saucedo called for Mexico U15 camp
According to our sources, FC Dallas Academy midfielder Andre Saucedo has been called up for a Mexico U15 camp in Mexico City.
Eleven FC Dallas U14s selected for regional ID camp
US Soccer is continuing its regional ID camp program with a session in Dallas on March 16th