Top 10 – things 3rd Degree is looking forward to in 2003

Top Ten Things 3rd Degree is looking forward to in 2003
1EddieIs he the next Ruud van Nistelrooy or the next Rob Ukrop?  Here’s hoping it is the former.  Eddie, all the Burn fans are waiting…
2Gbandi#1 overall pick in 2002 to talent on the field in 2003.  The glimpses in practice take your breath away.
3Down in FlamesChicago is screwed by the cap… this may be a long hard year to be a Fire Fan.  (cue diabolical laugh track)
4Mathis under BradleyMathis is a whinny (and gifted) brat.  Bradley is a tough guy and disciplinarian…  You can see the mess this is gonna be a mile out.
5Vaca and StoneThe Future or The Never?  Can’t wait to see this combo.
6Burn DThe Burn D, with a year together, will be the best D in MLS in 2003.
7Sold Out StandsOk turf sucks, but sold-out Burn games are gonna be a blast.
8Brad DavisMore importantly Brad Davis in a Burn Uniform.  His versatility is gonna pay dividends down the stretch.
9US Open CupLove the cup, little teams knocking off big teams… except of course if it’s the Burn getting knocked off.
10Cap’ologyCan’t wait to see how Jeffries and Swift fit all those players under the cap again.  I am sure they will come up with a couple more players too.

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