Top 10 – people who could be The Insider

Top Ten People who could be The Insider.
1Buzz CarrickAttends almost every practice, runs a Dallas Burn fanzine. Has been quoted as saying, “my sources tell me…”
2Sean BrocketteFormer Front Office “executive”. won the Dallas Burn World Cup ’98 Pool and the 2000 NCAA pool. Calls himself Mr. Outside Guy. coincidence? we think not.
3Peter WelptonRuns the highly successful and very amateur FC Inferno team. Been known to incessantly call Front Office personnel and bribe them with VIP passes to Lex and Terry’s “Tore Up From the Floor Up” beauty pageants.
4Dustin ChristmannFounding member and El Jefe of the Unofficial Official Dallas Burn supporter’s group, The Inferno. A quiet type (except on game day), and you know about quiet types.
5Andy SwiftHands-on GM who listens as well as he speaks. Been known to talk baseball in the office and knew Tom Landry.
6Kevin LindstromAttorney who could get information from a deaf, dumb and blind man. shrewd investigator who once spied on Mike Jeffries game plan posing as a newly allocated Chicago Fire player  The male-pattern baldness gave him away.
7IslamicoA horse is a horse of course of course
8Marc D’AmoreDoesn’t even live in Dallas or Texas for that matter but still has more information on the team than the media Guide.  A New Yorker who can’t be taken serious.  Or can he? 
9Ed BuzhanRingleader for who is suddenly looking for people to help out as correspondents. Why?  Has his plate suddenly become too full with the newly acquired title of “The Insider”?
10Dale HansonSoccer lover and one of the most passionate Burn supporters on record.  Probably is PAYING the Burn upwards of $200,000 just to write the column and feel like, “One of Da Boyz”.


  • The Parrish – Does out “Inside the Numbers” Column..  hum… “Inside the numbers”… “The Insider”
  • Viking – One of the most Rabid fans around.  We have thought about having him put down on several occasions.

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