It is the final pod of the 2019 season, or is it the first of the 2020 season? Buzz Carrick, Peter Welpton, and Dan Crooke discuss the roster decisions made this week and how they inform us of the FCD plan for next season.
Plus, Buzz makes a big decision.
youtube version…
The Big Decision
“Bet on yourself”
3rd Degree is announcing that we are ending our relationship with the Dallas Morning News and returning to an independent website set up for the blog.
We’ve put a lot of effort into 3rd Degree over the years and the Dallas Morning News have been fantastic partners. But all things come to an end and we want to focus on building our own brand and independent audience. So we are moving 3rd Degree to a stand-alone site at the same URL we’ve had for 22 years: 3rdDegree.Net. (Don’t panic if it’s not working yet, the DNS is re-pointing).
We’re looking forward to being able to build our audience through our coverage of FC Dallas and soccer in North Texas. As part of our effort to reach a broader audience, the site will be open and available to everyone. Stop on by and enjoy the same excellent content we hope you have been reading since we started out in 1997.
In the meantime, I’m sure Jon Arnold will be continuing his excellent work here at the DMN.
So please join us at 3rdDegree.Net. The new site will hopefully be up and running in the next day or so.
Thank you for reading and thank you for your support. And thanks again to the Dallas Morning News.
– Buzz Carrick, 3rd Degree